


Challenges in Adopting Place-Based Science-Inquiry Project-Based Learning Pedagogy in Rural Schools




洪萱芳(Hsuan-Fang Hung);林英杰(Ying-Chieh Lin);顏瓊芬(Chiung-Fen Yen)


地方本位教育 ; 科學探究 ; 專題式導向教學法 ; 學生特質 ; 環境教育 ; Place-Based Education ; Science Inquiry ; Project-Based Teaching ; Student Characteristics ; Environmental Education




27卷2期(2019 / 06 / 01)


121 - 145






This research used place-based education theory as the main framework to develop a place-based education module using the cross-cutting concept of "Structure and Function" to integrate multi-subject science concepts into the science curriculum. Outdoor education pedagogy and project-based learning strategy were used in the module. Researchers used plants in the Dadu Mountain and Gaomei Wetland areas where the participating school for this research was located. The purpose of the science instruction used in this study was to connect students' knowledge of plants developed from their interactions with these plants grown in the mountain and wetland areas with their knowledge developed from textbooks in the classroom. Five curriculum units were developed. These units consisted of 19 formal lessons and 2 extended lessons. Data collection methods included pre- and post-interviews with students, lesson worksheets and concept maps, and class observations and field notes. Scientific identity survey was conducted before and after the module was implemented. Affection survey was conducted at the end of the module. Research outcomes found that students' past learning experiences with traditional pedagogy appeared to be the reason why they experienced difficult challenges using the new implemented pedagogy. Students' learning motivation and learning engagement were observed to be positively influenced by the module, and the concept of the "Structure and Function" used to integrate the multi-subject science concepts was shown to help students in their systematic learning of the material. Using plants grown in the school area and the local community had a positive influence on low performing students, because these students were able to connect their daily life experiences with their classroom learning experiences. This connection further improved their learning motivation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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