


Exploring Environmental Educators' Professional Competences and Influential Factors of Taiwan's Environmental Learning Centers




王喜青(Hsi-Ching Wang);周儒(Ju Chou)


專業能力 ; 環境教育教師 ; 環境學習中心 ; Professional Competence ; Environmental Educator ; Environmental Learning Center




28卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


49 - 73






The purpose of the study was to identify the competences and influential factors perceived by environmental educators in Taiwan's Environmental Learning Centers (ELCs). Investigators adopted mixed methods and conducted a two-stage research process. First, 28 environmental educators with at least four-year working experiences were interviewed to explore their perceived professional competences and factors influencing these competences. Second, based on the findings from these interviews, investigators then surveyed 185 educators of different ELCs to understand the status of perceived competences. Path-analysis through multiple regression was used to clarify the relationships among competences and influential factors. The results showed: (1) there were 14 competences identified that can be categorized into four major areas, including "general personal competence," "pedagogical practical competence," "content of environmental education," and "ELC management competence"; (2) educators showed good performance in the general personal competence areas. However, educators underperformed in the competences such as "creating better learning atmosphere," "evaluating learning outcome," and "basic understanding for environmental education"; (3) personal internal factors that significantly influencing competences included "conscientiousness personality," "application of discipline knowledge," "perceptions of well-being," and "self-efficacy"; (4) external influential factors that significantly influencing competences were "learners' positive feedbacks" and "successful role models." Among these factors, "the perceptions of well-being" and "self-efficacy" were most influential factors to predict competences. The findings of this investigation among ELC educators suggest future professional development and investigation in these areas.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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