


A Framing Exploration of Procedural Knowledge Characteristics in Science Communication Process: Examples of Research Based Science News Regarding Healthy Diet




李松濤(Sung-Tao Lee);許文怡(Wen-Yi Hsu)


科學研究新聞 ; 框架分析 ; 程序性知識 ; Research Based Science News ; Framing Analysis ; Procedural Knowledge




28卷2期(2020 / 06 / 01)


143 - 168






The purpose of this study was to use framing analysis to explore how characteristics of procedural knowledge were present in research-based science news regarding a healthy diet. Results showed that the characteristics of "results" and "experiment" were the two most common frames that appeared in the first two paragraph analyses and whole news analysis followed by the frames of "phenomenon" and "theory" in the research-based science news information that were analyzed in this study. In comparison, only one third of the sample research-based science news information revealed frames of scientific uncertainty in which the frames of "process" and "inference" were the most common characteristics. For a better understanding about science in whole society, some reflections were provided for the science communication community.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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