


Using Video Prompting with Augmented Reality to Teach Fraction Calculation to Elementary School Students with Learning Disability




黃郁雯(Yu-Wen Huang);吳柱龍(Chu-Lung Wu)


分數運算 ; 影片提示 ; 學習障礙學生 ; 擴增實境 ; Fraction Calculation ; Video Prompting ; Learning Disability ; Augmented Reality




31卷1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


81 - 107






Acquisition of the concept of fractions is a vital indicator item for primary school students when they learn mathematics. However, fractions are abstract and difficult to understand, which often causes difficulties for elementary school students with learning disabilities. This study aims to propose a teaching model of video prompting combined with augmented reality and to explore its effect on learning fraction calculations for elementary school students with learning disabilities. This study used a single-case, multiple probe design across subjects. The participants of this study were three students with learning disabilities who studied in elementary school. The independent variable was the teaching intervention of video prompting with augmented reality strategies, and the dependent variable was the immediate effect, maintenance effect, and generalization effect of fraction calculation. The teaching materials were the fraction calculation step videos and step cards compiled by the researcher. The EyeJack APP was used to link the step cards and the step videos, and participants can watch the videos by scanning the step cards with a tablet computer. This study analyzed the data by curve diagram, visual analysis, Tau-U test, and scorer reliability. We also utilized the satisfaction survey data from the participants and their teachers to build social validity. The results of this study showed video prompting with augmented reality teaching strategies presented immediate, maintenance and generalization effects on fraction calculation learning of three elementary school students with learning disabilities. Participants and their teachers gave positive feedback on video prompting with augmented reality teaching strategies teaching fraction calculation learning. According to the above research results, we could provide specific suggestions and another choice for teaching fraction calculation for students with learning disabilities in elementary schools, which can be used as a reference for special education teachers and future related researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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