


The Study of the Impact of a Supervisor's Feedback on a Supervisee and the Influence of Feedback on the Supervisee's Counseling Behavior




許雅惠(Ya-Hui Hsu);廖鳳池(Feng-Tsu Liao)


督導回饋 ; 衝擊訊息 ; 諮商行為 ; counseling behavior ; impact message ; supervisor's feedback




26卷1期(2009 / 06 / 30)


63 - 92




本研究旨在探討督導歷程中,督導回饋對於受督導者的衝擊及其諮商行爲的影響。本研究邀請一位督導者與一位受督導者,形成一組督導配對,進行每週1次連續17次之督導晤談,將所蒐集資料加以分析,研究發現如下: 一、受督導者對於督導回饋的感受,影響其所產生之行動傾向;相似主題之督導回饋對受督導者造成之衝擊,隨督導歷程進展而有所改變;含糊不清的督導回饋易讓受督導者產生負向感受;受督導者之內在參考架構影響其對於督導回饋之感受。 二、受督導者最常運用於諮商中的督導回饋爲基本諮商技巧類別之回饋。


This research study aims to examine the impact of a supervisor's feedback, on a supervisee and the influence of feedback on the supervisee's counseling behavior. One dyad of supervisor and supervisee was invited to conduct supervision interviews, once a week, lasting 17 weeks. After analyzing the data, the researcher found the following results: The supervisee feeling about the supervisor feedback can influence his tendency to take action. The supervisee would make changes in his counseling behavior when faced with the similar topics of impact message as the supervisory process proceeds. Unclear verbiage in the supervisor's feedback may result in supervisee negative feelings. The supervisee's internal reference framework may also influence his feeling about supervisor feedback. Among the sub-categories of supervisor feedback, basic counseling skill is often used by the supervisee in counseling talk.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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