


Negative Interpersonal Interaction Types of the Perceptions of Part-Time Workers




劉仲矩(Chung-Chu Liu)


負面人際互動 ; 知覺 ; 工讀生 ; Q方法 ; negative interpersonal interaction ; perception ; part-time worker ; Q method




29卷2期(2012 / 12 / 01)


65 - 91






Numerous enterprises hire part-time workers to achieve the strategic goals of flexible human resource structure and cost reduction. However, because of insufficient social experiences and a lack of appropriate training and education, part-time workers often have negative interpersonal interaction perceptions when interacting with external customers and internal personnel. This study identified the types of negative interpersonal interaction perceptions that occur in the relationships between part-time workers and their superiors, colleagues, and customers. This study developed a list of relevant questions using an open-ended questionnaire and subsequently conducted Q-sort processes using 25 part-time workers. The results showed 4 types of negative interpersonal interaction perceptions: unequal treatment perception, scapegoat perception, untrusted perception, and political struggle. Based on the identified types, managers can understand the negative interpersonal interaction perception problems and implement strategies to mitigate these problems and enhance management performance of flexible human resource structures and cost reduction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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