
Paulo Freire意識覺醒理念及其對教師教學理念的啟示


Implications for Teachers' Teaching Ideas Based on Paulo Freire's Idea of Conscientização




施宜煌(Yi-Huang Shih)


批判意識 ; 意識覺醒 ; critical consciousness ; conscientização ; Paulo Freire




32卷2期(2015 / 12 / 31)


1 - 34




Paulo Freire(1921-1997),一位巴西教育家,在其《受壓迫者教育學》一書揭櫫激進的意識覺醒理念,於不同學術領域為人們所關注。本文欲圖探究Freire意識覺醒理念對教師教學理念的啟示,首先論述分析意識覺醒的意涵;其次,闡析意識覺醒者的性質;繼之,探討提問式教育與意識覺醒間的關聯性;終而,詮釋意識覺醒理念對教師教學理念的啟示。這些啟示如:一、師生共同制定紀律,尊重學生的自願性;二、教師應體認學生亦是思考的主體,允許學生有發聲的機會;三、教師應體悟教學相長的真實意義,尊重學生所知;四、師生皆要做出真實的行動,偕同選擇教與學的內涵;五、教師不應與學生的自由處於對立的立場,師生互為教學活動的認知主體。冀望以此探究為基礎,誘發教育現場教師洞識Freire意識覺醒理念的基調,進而實踐人性化的教學,使師生成為更完善之人。


In his Pedagogy of the Oppressed, the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire (1921–1997) described a radical idea of conscientização, which attracted much attention from various fields. This essay discusses Paulo Freire's idea of conscientização and its implications for teachers' teaching ideas. First, this essay explores the meaning of conscientização. Second, it illuminates the characteristics of people who can raise their consciousness to critical consciousness. Third, it explores the relationship between problem-posing education and conscientização. Finally, the essay explores Freire’s idea of conscientização and its implications for teaching ideas. The implications are as follows: (a) teachers and students should develop discipline, and teachers should respect students voluntariness; (b) teachers should recognize that students are also thinking subjects and allow students opportunities to voice their opinions; (c) teachers should realize the true meaning of teaching and learning and have respect for what the students know; (d) teachers and students should make real actions and select the content of teaching and learning together; and (e) teachers and students should not oppose freedom, and teachers and students are both cognitive subjects in teaching activities. On the basis of the aformentioned explorations of Paulo Freire's idea of conscientização, teachers can further understand the key idea and practice humanistic teaching, which will help teachers and students learn more humanity-based values.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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