


Constructing an Education System for Lifelong Learning in Social Work: Application of Accreditation for Off-Campus Learning Achievements




王文瑛(Wen-Ying Wang)


終身學習 ; 社會工作繼續教育 ; 校外學習成就認證 ; lifelong learning ; continued education for social work ; accreditation ; Off-campus learning achievements




9卷1期(2005 / 06 / 01)


1 - 23






In 21st century, lifelong learning has become a very important task in education in order to enhance the competitiveness of a country. It is also a daily activity for personal development, in Taiwan, social work receives more and more attention. Though he (or she) has a good training in school, a social work practitioner should keep learning to face the ever-changing society and service demands. Continued education in social work expertise has become an effective way to help the social workers to adapt themselves. Learning while working can help in both personal expertise and group performance. In this paper, we first introduce the accreditation of learning achievement. Then we study how to promote continued education in expertise of social workers. Finally, we discuss the following issues in the accreditation of continued education in social works: (1) accreditation administration and the institute to do the accreditation, (2) evaluation methods for learning achievements, and (3) the application and limitation of accreditation. The above issues are valuable references for planning and promoting the continued education for social work.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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