


At the Intersection of Gender and Ethnic: Analyzing Immigrant Wives' Social Capital




許雅惠(Yea-Huey Sheu)


新移民婦女 ; 社會資本 ; 社會網絡 ; 信任 ; 性別權力 ; female immigrant ; social capital ; social networks ; trust ; gendered power




13卷2期(2009 / 12 / 01)


1 - 54






Social capital, as the connection among individuals, especially in terms of social network, trust and reciprocity. has been identified to be an important resource for immigrants to access resources, develop a sense of belonging and take advantage of early experience and information. This study aims to explore social capital among women who migrates from South-East Asian, mainly Vietnam and Indonesia, through the pathway of international marriage with Taiwanese men. To what extent of trust, reciprocity and social support that women gain from coethnics. coworkers. neighbors and family-in-law are examined particularly. The results show that immigrant wives have calculatedly avoided to contact and spend time with coethnic counterparts in order to earn 'trust' from family-in-law to secure their marriage. Consequently, immigrant women develop reciprocal relationship with coethnics at a minimal level and solely depend on their husband to provide support, such as finance, housework and child care. Those who receive more information from neighbors, coworkers, and coethnics seem to have more positive, confident attitudes about future lives. This paper concludes that 'trust' is the gateway to social capital for immigrant wives and social capital is not only context-tied but also gendered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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