


Risk Factors That Impact the Well-being of Social Workers in the Area of Domestic Violence Prevention




汪淑媛(Shu-Yuan Wang)


家庭暴力防治 ; 社工身心安全 ; 風險因素分析 ; domestic violence prevention ; social worker well-being ; risk factors analysis




17卷1期(2013 / 06 / 01)


175 - 215




臺灣社工專業社群積極參與家庭暴力防治工作將近二十年,然而第一線社會工作者的身心安全仍未得到足夠的重視。本研究運用焦點團體以及參考文獻發現影響家暴社會工作者身心安全之潛在因子共21項,編制Likert問卷量表,邀請所有臺灣公部門家暴防治中心以及有參與家暴防治工作非營利機構之社工員協助填答,共寄出509份問卷,回收301份有效問卷,回收率達59% 。因素分析結果產出六因素,依平均數高低順序排列為:1.低劣勞動條件;2.學術界對實務工作的介入與權力;3.社工專業地位低;4.服務對家與工作內容繁雜;5.機構主管/督導與組織氛圍;以及6.社工個人因素。低劣勞動條件位居首要因素與之前研究結果一致,然而,讓人驚訝的是學術界對實務工作的參與以及權控竟然排列第二。提醒學術工作者對於家暴實務工作者應給予更多的支持,以合作的關係取代權威的態度。另一個有意義的發現是社工的年資越久,越不受社工專業地位低的影響力,表示長期的工作歷練能讓社工員由衷欣賞認同自身的工作,比較不需要外界的認可。此外,擁有社工碩士學位的家暴社工比大學華業者更有專業自信,也比較不受「個人議題」的負面影響,顯示臺灣社會工作高等教育的價值與貢獻。


During the past two decades, as social workers in Taiwan involved themselves increasingly in preventing domestic violence, the well-being of front line social workers in this area has not received sufficient attention. In this study, a survey of the literature combined with new data from focus groups yields 21 factors that negatively impact their well being. The 21 were designed into a Likert scale questionnaire. 509 of these were sent to employees in public domestic violence prevention centers and NPOs involved in domestic violence prevention. 301 valid questionnaires were returned. A statistical analysis collapsed the 21 items into these 6 factors, in decreasing order of importance: (1) Poor working conditions and low pay, (2) The power academics wield in this area, (3) A general lack of respect for social workers as professionals, (4) The c1ients they are called upon to deal with and the complexity of the situations they face, (5) Organizational and supervisor issues, and (6) Personal issues. That poor working condition and low pay rank highest is consistent with previous studies. However, what stands out as surprising in this study is that the involvement of academic social work professionals should be viewed so negatively by workers in the domestic violence field. Obviously, it is incumbent upon academics in this area to set aside their stance of superior authority, adapt a more collaborative attitude, and take a more supportive stance towards workers in this field. Also surprising is the finding that the longer professionals have worked in the domestic violence field, the less importance they give to the factor ”lack of respect as professionals.” Experience evidently gives them an intrinsic appreciation of the good that they do, which outweighs the need for extrinsic approval. The data also showed that workers with an MSW degree display more confidence in their profession and are less negatively impacted by ”personal issues” than mere college graduates-which shouldn't be surprising.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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