


From Recipient to Helper: A Study on the Experience of the Children of Aided Families Choosing Social Worker as their Major or Career




陳杏容(Hsing-Jung Chen)


童年逆境 ; 利他 ; 生涯發展 ; 助人專業 ; adverse childhood experience ; altruistic spirit ; career development ; helping professionals




26卷1期(2022 / 06 / 01)


1 - 44






It is common that children of disadvantaged families major in social work or become a helping professional. However, there is scant information on this topic in Taiwan. Given the dearth of present knowledge, the primary aim of this study is to explore their experiences in order to understand what impact their career choices have and how their experiences bring positive and negative influences for them as a helping professional. This study conducted in-depth interviews on six young people from diverse disadvantaged family backgrounds. The research findings suggest that multiple reasons shape their career choices, and can be categorized as three major reasons: altruistic spirit, aptitude of social work, and longing for the working environment of social work. Furthermore, individuals who plan on marriage or expect increasing expenses in the future are more likely to adjust their social work career to meet life demands. Successful experiences in overcoming challenges equip individuals with autonomy-related abilities, such as seeking resources and solving problems, as well as being sensitive toward others' needs, all of which help the development of professional skills. On the other hand, these young people may lack self-care awareness, bear too much stress, and have limited developmental opportunities due to cumulative disadvantaged life experiences. In regard to the research findings, we suggest the need to increase support for these young people by providing career counseling and guidance, and creating strength-based supportive education and practice systems. Educators and supervisors of social work recognize and emphasize these young people's strengths, improve their self-awareness and self-caring abilities to prevent burn-out and second trauma, and provide opportunities for their continuous growth.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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