


Exploring the Resource Network of Aboriginal Family Service Centers Using Social Network Analysis: The Perspectives of the Front-Line Social Workers




劉麗娟(Li-Chuan Liu);蔡輝英(Hui-Ying Tsai)


原住民族家庭服務中心 ; 社會福利 ; 資源網絡 ; 第一線社工 ; Indigenous Family Service Center ; social welfare ; resource network ; front-line social worker




26卷1期(2022 / 06 / 01)


89 - 146






For a long time, the indigenous people have been at disadvantages in terms of health, economy, and society compared with mainstream society, especially in the original rural areas. In order to help improve the status of the indigenous peoples and eliminate the inequality of resources, the Council of Indigenous Peoples combines the public and private sectors and establishes Indigenous Family Service Centers in the indigenous areas to construct comprehensive welfare. The Indigenous Family Service Centers solve the problems of social welfare difficult to enter the indigenous areas and insufficient accessibility. The construction of the resource network is whether the Indigenous Family Service Centers can be the key factor to improve the social welfare services and effectiveness of the indigenous people in the original rural areas. This study uses in-depth interviews as data collection method method, we also uses social network analysis and qualitative analysis to explore the current status and appearance of the resource network of Taitung County. It is found that the 15 Indigenous Family Service Centers in Taitung County are operates independently in financial, physical, and case referrals, and the main resources come from the local government, except South Link. This shows that the need and possibility for the Indigenous Family Service Centers to expand to the private sector. Based on the results of this research, this research also proposes future suggestions for future policy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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