


Examining the Results of Industry Clusters and Its Effect Influences on Enterprise operation: Precision Machinery Case Study in Taiwan




袁建中(Benjamin J. C. Yuan);陳坤成(James K. C Chen);虞孝成(Hsiao-Cheng Yu);王明妤(Ming-Yeu Wang)


產業群聚 ; 德菲法 ; 因子分析 ; 群聚效應 ; 精密機械 ; Industry Cluster ; Delphi Method ; Factor Analysis ; Cluster Efficiency ; Precision Machinery




10卷4期(2005 / 12 / 01)


43 - 79




「產業群聚」指一群在地域上相鄰、或某一特定領域裹有交互關連之企業和相關法人機構,彼此間以共通性或互補性相互連結。產業群聚從單一城市、整個州、一個國家、甚至到一些鄰近國家或跨洲所連結成之網絡;其聯盟的形式依其縱深程度和複雜性而不同。多數產業群聚內之成員並不直接競爭,彼此有自己要服務之產業區隔;但它們仍有許多共同的需求和機會,面對經營方面也有諸多的限制與障礙。 近年來中國大陸、東南亞、臺灣等國家各產業群聚蓬勃發展,對亞洲整體經濟發展將有實質影響。而產業群聚效應對一些企業經營又有多深影響程度呢?本研究之目的在探討「產業群聚效應」對企業經營影響之因果檢定;探討群聚效應對於企業之生產、研發、人力資源、財務、行銷等相關營運構面之影響程度。本研究以臺灣精密機械產業為例,究透過專家訪問法、德菲法(Delphi Method)、因子分析(Factor Analysis),來探討產業群聚效應對企業經營績效之影響。 研究結果發現:業群聚形成中的產業資訊、人力資源分享要因對造成產業相互觀摩、吸引國外客戶業務之程度有高顯著正相關;另外,上下供應鏈需求要因對提升供應鏈效率、企業電子化程度也有高顯著正相關;配合市場行銷、顧客便利性之要因對企業經營正、負面有高顯著正相關。因此,以上三項群聚效應要因對產業經營有顯著之影響。


An industry cluster is a region where specialized interaction between enterprises occurs. Interaction is often in the form of compensation linking. Industry clusters are networked and categorized through cities, states, and countries. The different types of clusters are categorized according to either their cluster size or the hierarchy of the connection network. Though industry clusters will include a few competitors, groups are usually segmented to service each other. Partnerships are formed through common needs and opportunities in confronting limitations and difficulties in business operations. China, Southeast Asia and Taiwan have recently seen developments of industry clusters. This growth has significantly influenced the economics in the area. How deep is the influence and how effective are the business operations in industry clusters? This study will examine how efficient industry clusters are to enterprise business operations. The study will also explore and research the ”industry cluster efficiency” on enterprise production, research and design, human resources, and finance. This paper utilizes ”Taiwan precision machinery” as a case study and applies the interview expert method, the Delphi technique method and the factor analysis to explore the precision industry's cluster efficiency on enterprise operations. This study focuses on three factors of industry clusters that have significant effects on enterprise operations. The first factor is the information and human resources that are easily shared in industry clusters. The effect of such stimulates companies and attracts foreign customers. The second factor is the formation of supply chains that facilitate efficiency and c-business. The third factor is the convenience for customers in enterprise operations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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