


How Consumers Utilize the Interaction in Network Communities to Promote Behavioral Intention: From Brand Identification to Co-Innovation


黃靖文(Jing-Wen Huang);賴賢哲(Hsien-Che Lai)


網路社群 ; 行為意願 ; 品牌認同 ; 共同創新 ; 跨層次分析 ; Network Community ; Behavioral Intention ; Brand Identification ; Co-innovation ; Cross-level Analysis




24卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


31 - 55






In recent years, firms have paid attention to the building and operation of their affiliated network communities and emphasized the topic that consumers' interaction in network communities would promote behavioral intention. This study thus explores whether and how consumers' brand identification of firm and consumer-firm co-innovation respectively strengthen the consequences of consumers' interaction in network communities toward behavioral intention. This study tests hypotheses by using a sample of 872 consumers from the network communities affiliated to 35 Taiwanese digital content firms with data collected from the responses to a mailed survey in April 2018. The results show that consumers' interaction in network communities can promote behavioral intention. Consumers' brand identification of firm amplifies the positive relationship between consumers' interaction in network communities and their behavioral intentions. Moreover, the cross-level effect of consumer-firm co-innovation also promotes consumers' behavioral intentions. Furthermore, the cross-level effect of consumer-firm co-innovation amplifies the positive relationship between consumers' interaction in network communities and their behavioral intentions. To promote consumers' behavioral intentions, managers in charge of network communities must realize that enhancing consumers' brand identification of firm and implementing co-innovation with consumers are good solutions while their firms attempt to use network communities for interacting with consumers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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