


A Study of the Online and Offline Integration Marketing Strategy Change: An Empirical Examination of Automotive Aftermarket


郭馨禧(Hsin-Si Kuo);鍾君宇(Zhong, Jun-Yu);蔡顯童(Hsien-Tung Tsai)


網路行銷策略 ; 社會性影響理論 ; 變革準備 ; 科技準備度 ; 樂觀偏見 ; 虛實通路整合行銷 ; Internet Marketing Strategy ; Social Influence Theory ; Change Readiness ; Technology Readiness ; Optimism Bias ; Integration of Online and Offline Marketing




26卷1期(2021 / 06 / 01)


29 - 58




資通訊科技的進步與普及,使得傳統產業之經營模式面臨前所未有的挑戰。本研究主要探討:汽車零件品牌廠商如何透過社會影響機制,說服其所合作的汽車售後服務通路商,包含零配件代理商與保修廠商,採行網路行銷策略,以滿足現今顧客利用多種不同管道取得多樣化產品及服務之需求。從行銷策略的角度,此一策略變革係為汽車售後服務業者長期競爭優勢之基礎。本研究以社會性影響理論(Social Influence Theory)及變革準備(Change Readiness)之學理觀點,提出新的整合型學理架構,深入探究「汽車零件品牌廠商」影響「汽車售後服務通路商」接受並採用網路行銷策略之過程。本研究結合質性與量化實證之研究方法,與一知名的汽車零件品牌廠商合作,驗證本研究之觀點。實證結果發現:在汽車售後服務之情境下,有效的社會影響機制包含:社會順從(Compliance)、社會認同(Identification)、與社會內化(Internalization)。其次,研究結果顯示:品牌廠商之社會影響機制會具體提升汽車售後服務通路商對於網路行銷之「感知變革適當性」及「感知變革效能」,進而形成其「網路行銷變革意願」及「網路行銷策略採用行為」。本研究也進一步探討「科技準備度」之調節效果,分析結果顯示:對於網路科技持有樂觀偏見之汽車售後服務通路商主管及行銷人員,其網路行銷變革意願與實際採用行為呈現抑制(弱化)之現象。本研究結果除了深化社會影響與行銷策略之議題探討,亦提供經理人若干虛實通路整合行銷實務之建議。


The advancement and popularization of information and communications technology has made traditional industry business models face unprecedented challenges. This research mainly explores: how auto parts brand company can utilize social influence mechanisms to persuade the automotive aftermarket channel members, including parts dealers and service workshops, to adopt Internet marketing strategies and satisfy the needs of today's customers who tend to obtain diversified products and services through multiple channels. From the perspective of marketing strategy, this strategic change is the basis of long-term competitive advantage. Based on Social Influence Theory and the concept of Change Readiness, this research proposes a new integrated theoretical framework and in-depth exploration on the influence process of auto parts company towards the automotive aftermarket channel members to adopt Internet marketing strategy. This research combines qualitative and quantitative empirical research methods, and cooperates with a well-known auto parts brand manufacturer to verify the theoretical model of this research. The empirical results indicate that the effective social influence mechanisms of auto parts company, including social compliance, social identification, and social internalization, will enhance the "perceived change appropriateness" and "perceived change efficacy" of automotive aftermarket channel members, and lead to their intention and adoption of Internet marketing strategy. Finally, this research explores the moderating effect of "technology readiness". The result shows that the individuals with optimism bias towards Internet technology tend to overestimate their actual performance in adopting Internet marketing strategies. In addition to deepening the research on social influence and social marketing, the results of this research also provide managers with suggestions on management practices on the integration of online and offline marketing.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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