


Bounce Back! An Exploratory Study of Sensemaking Process in Crowdfunding Failure and Relaunching


吳曉君(Shiao-Jun Wu);陳悅琴(Yueh-Chin Chen);陳品綺(Pin-Chi Chen)


群眾募資 ; 失敗經驗 ; 自我效能 ; 意會活動 ; 新創事業 ; crowdfunding ; failure experience ; self-efficacy ; sensemaking process




26卷1期(2021 / 06 / 01)


59 - 90






Crowdfunding is one of the conduits for start-up team to obtain capital, low-cost marketing and test consumer preferences in recent years, but the crowdfunding proposers bear a failure rate of up to 50%. Past studies have explored how to raise money successfully on a crowdfunding platform or analyze consumer sponsorship preferences from the consumer side, but few have explored where these failed crowdfunding cases can go. The research interviewed with six sponsors who failed to raise money and went back to market. It explored how those who failed to raise money could reflect on failures, learn new skills and optimize products or services when driven by self-efficacy, adapt operations to environmental needs, and demonstrate strategic actions. This study will help to understand the sensemaking process of the failed crowdfunding and comeback, and provide the view that crowdfunding proponents convert failed experiences into assets rather than liabilities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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