


Exploring the Relationship between R&D Intensity, Technological Output, and Firm Financial Performance in the Taiwanese ICT Industry


蔡佩庭(Pei-Ting Tsai);董蕙茹(Huei-Ru Dong)


研發密度 ; 專利 ; 技術產出 ; 財務績效 ; 臺灣資通訊科技產業 ; R&D Intensity ; Patent ; Technical Output ; Financial Performance ; Taiwan's ICT industry




28卷3期(2023 / 12 / 01)


71 - 110






Since the 1990s, Taiwan has focused on the development of the information and communication technology (ICT) industry, which has gained global advantages and market competitiveness. Therefore, the ICT industry attaches great importance to issues such as maintaining market share, increasing sales volume, enhancing competitiveness, and achieving technological leadership. This study explores the relationship between research and development (R&D), patents, and firm performance in the overall ICT industry and its eight sub-industries in Taiwan from a patent perspective. Various indicators, including research and development density, patent quantity, patent citations, and patent technology layout of Taiwanese ICT industry companies, are analyzed to investigate their associations with firm financial performance. The research findings reveal that the relationship between the overall ICT industry and its eight sub-industries differs in terms of research and development density, patent quantity, patent citations, and patent technology layout, indicating varying perspectives on the reliance on R&D among companies in different industries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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