


A Study on the Commercial Package Strategies of Rice Gift Box in Taiwan




蘇鴻昌(Hung-Chang Su);黃雅卿(Ya-Ching Huang)


米禮盒 ; 包裝 ; 銷售策略 ; rice gift box ; packing ; promotion strategy




12期(2008 / 11 / 01)


77 - 96




本研究以市售米禮盒產品爲對象,進行包裝之銷售策略分析研究,探討目前臺灣市售米禮盒市場包裝趨勢與送禮文化形成之特色,透過相關文獻資料的整理分析與歸納,以作爲研究理論之依據,並觀察與蒐集目前臺灣市售米禮盒的資料樣本,深入瞭解其市場發展之現況。經由田野調查蒐集,加以歸納、分析、比較其包裝材料及型態、色彩運用與品牌、品質及銷售策略之分析,期以提供糧商業者或專業人員對米禮盒包裝設計之重視。 本研究結果中得知,傳統家庭食用的白米轉換爲以禮盒的方式來包裝 ,這個銷售策略迎合了送禮文化的市場,極力推廣自用送禮兩相宜的觀念,讓消費者多一種選擇,也爲該產品找出另一條行銷的通路。在米禮盒多樣化、多元化的系列商品中,凝聚出整體企業經營努力用心的優質形象,品牌與品質兼顧並進,及參與各項產品認證或競賽肯定的成績,無形讓消費者對商品產生信心與口碑。但優質米之認證生產實屬不易,雖具有冠軍米、競賽米與十大經典好米的品質保證,但呈現出產品生命週期短,相對的阻礙著產品持續推廣銷售的問題。 在所蒐集之市售米禮盒包裝設計中,色彩運用以自然樸實的意象居多,善用稻草、葉、木、竹、麻、土…等天然素材的原色,如土黃色、亞麻色、褐色、綠色等,符合著代表自然大地的色系,有助於產品直接的印象與聯想。其中有少部份禮盒爲傳達喜慶、祝賀的感覺,仍保有傳統大紅的色彩,與坊間冠軍茶的包裝雷同近似,無法確實完整的展現產品特色,失去了視覺差別化的意義。近年來,在政府大力推廣綠色包裝設計下,運用產地的文化產業之自然素材來包裝米禮盒,並在兼顧環保再利用的前提下,不忘行銷產地特有的文化並與之結合,其包裝成果讓人印象深刻。


This research aims specifically at the commercial package strategies of rice gift boxes, and investigates the characteristics of these boxes and the culture of gift-giving in Taiwan. Taking the analysis and induction of relative literatures as academic authority, and observing and collecting rice gift boxes is in order to realize the situation of marketing. Through field research, the study generalize, analyze and compare these boxes’ packing material, style, color application and the quality of their brands. This paper hopes to improve the emphasis of rice gift boxes' packaging design, especially to rice operators and related experts. From the research result it is known that traditional rice being transformed into gift boxes corresponds to the gift-giving culture. It is not only providing new choices for customers, but also discovering another marketing channel. Among the versatile series of rice gift boxes, it can show how hard the business administrator works, and look after both sides on brand and quality. Customers have confidence on products via certification and contest achievement imperceptibly. However, the certification of high-quality rice is not easy to obtain, those with quality assurance such as champion rice, contest rice and top ten-classic rice resulted in a shortened life cycle of such products, which blocked the promotion mutually. The packaging samples are applied by earth primary colors that take the advantages of rice straws, leaves, wood, bamboo, hemp, soil etc. natural material colors, such as ocher, flaxen, brown, green on the package. This assists in the direct image communication and association of the product. Few of the gift boxes have still kept the traditional scarlet colors on them in order to send out the message of festivities and compliments, which is similar with champion tea's package. In addition, the gift boxes have drift away from the traditional literal image that can't present the product characteristics and lost the meaning of vision difference instead. Recently, the government popularizes green packing design that made use of the natural material of local culture industry to packing rice gift boxes, and gave consideration to environmental reborn or combined local culture with marketing. Such a packing result has made a deep impression.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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