


Exploring the trust issues in the work of teachers below high school: Trust perception and repair methods


阮光勳(Ruan, Quang-Xun)


教師工作信任 ; 信任認知 ; 人際信任 ; 信任修復 ; interpersonal trust ; repair trust ; trust in the work of teachers ; trust perception




47期(2021 / 12 / 31)


133 - 161






This study explores how teachers perceive trust-related issues from the perspective of teachers, and at the same time understands the impact of peer trust in their schools on their work, as well as their views on restoration of trust and the role of principals in the restoration process. The researcher uses the collective case study method in qualitative research to explain it to facilitate sampling and selecting ten research participants, and collect data through semi-structured in-depth interviews. The results of the study found that ten participants believed that trust is an expectation, an influence, a guideline, and a life dependence, and its importance is generally accepted by the participants. Most participants tend to trust their peers. When doing things with trusted peers, they communicate frequently; when doing things with distrusted peers, they are independent. For trust repair, most participants are not optimistic. However, ten teachers still have high hopes for the principal to create an atmosphere of trust, and put forward the feasible method of "five don'ts six needs".

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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