In this paper, the establishment of grammar pattern in the conversation instruction was put into practice and explored. The researcher comes up with a way to measure the degree of learners' grammar establishment with a specific focus on students' understanding as well as establishment of I- and Na-adjectives in task-based activities. The purpose of this study is to assist students to facilitate their learning of rudimentary grammar, which will enable them to write or speak I- and Na-adjectives correctly under any conditions.
Three tasks were required to accomplish in the task-based activities: 1. using possible expression, 2. catching a person's reason and 3.rephrasing by using ”node” to describe a person's reason.
The findings indicated that it seems possible for students to practice conversation based on communicative approach and to establish their grammar patterns at the same time without having to reduce the amount of practice. It is not clear that to what extent students have established their understanding of adjectives. Nonetheless, Results of the study have shown that it makes difference in terms of the degree of adjective establishment, which sheds insights into what a teacher can do to facilitate students' learning and reduce burdens on teachers.