


Traditional Chinese Values and Organizational Behaviors: A Study of R&D Personnel in the Information and Electronics Industry in Taiwan


黃秉德(Ping-Der Huang)


中國式管理 ; 後儒家假說 ; 研究發展管理 ; 傳統價值 ; 資訊電子業 ; Chinese management ; post-Confucian hypothesis ; R&D management ; Taiwanese hi-tech industry




14期(2000 / 12 / 01)


115 - 153






Advocates of the post-Confucian hypothesis attributed the economic miracles of the four small Asian dragons to Chinese traditional values, although there is a lack of empirical evidence to support this speculation. Now that Taiwan has moved beyond the labor-intensive industries of the four small dragons era and successfully built a knowledge-intensive information and electronics industry, do traditional Chinese values still have a significant role to play? This study surveyed 322 R&D personnel from 26 firms and 3 nonprofit research institutes in the information and electronics industry in Taiwan. Results supported the post-Confucian hypothesis and showed that traditional Chinese values lead to positive organizational behaviors. Traditional values include positive aggression, inhibition, sophistication, and authoritarianism. Only authoritarianism carries no effectiveness in R&D tasks. Stronger attachment to traditional values is associated with more job satisfaction, greater organizational commitment, and better performance (particularly accountability). Although the authoritarian structure in Taiwan is eroding, traditional values still have a significant role in the high tech industry. There were two additional heuristic findings. Both in the rational organization and in the loose organization, traditional values result in positive organizational behaviors, and are significantly instrumental in private firms. Discussion on verification of the economic effectiveness of traditional Chinese values, implications for technology management, mechanisms of succession of traditional values, and follow-up research strategy is offered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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