


Xin Xue: The Development of a Psychology of the Chinese Self


余德慧(Der-Heuy Yee)


心學 ; 本我 ; 自我 ; 發展心理學 ; xin xue studies of psyche ; self ; developmental psychology




15期(2001 / 06 / 01)


271 - 303






This paper clarifies the relationship between Chinese studies of psyche, called xin xue, and the psychology of self. Xin xue is not a modern psychology, but is also not a Chinese philosophical psychology. It is a psychological discourse of Self (as a subject) developed among Chinese intellectuals that conceptualizes the Self as autonomous and includes basic theories and everyday knowledge. Xin xue has a long history in China. Xin xue classes (huai tang) were established almost eight hundred years ago. Xin xue inherited the traditional terminology of Taoism and Confucianism and focuses on the interior world of the individual psyche. From this focus, it has continued to develop on the basis of the concept of entirely exhausting the energy of a person's heart and nature. In line with this tradition, the characteristics of the Taiwanese indigenous psychology of Self maintain and cultivate the ontological Self, which contains theories of origin and teleology-two systems of the psyche and ethics, which are based on discipline-oriented order towards independence and autonomy of self. If compared to western ego psychology, the ethics and transcendent nature of xin xue would be integrated into Chinese indigenous psychology and help boost its development.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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