


The Professional Helpers' Judgments and Their Views of Harmony in Family Violence Situation




王叢桂(Chung-Kwei Wang)


和諧 ; 家暴 ; 價值 ; family violence ; harmony ; social workers ; value




21期(2004 / 06 / 01)


127 - 161






This study examines the effect of traditional Chinese values and values inherited from the West on professional workers' judgments in a family violence situation. Traditional Chinese values emphasizing a harmonious family may lead workers to encourage their clients to find the best resolution for the family. Individualistic Western values may lead workers to encourage their clients to find the solution best for the individual. A questionnaire was used to interview lawyers, social workers, and family counselors with experience assisting family violence victims. Results indicated that professionals who emphasized either Chinese harmony or Western personal growth values tended to support a victim' decision to go back home, and were reluctant to encourage victims to seek divorce. These results contradicted the researcher's hypothesis that those who emphasize Western personal growth tend to agree with a victim's decision to go back home and not to seek divorce.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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