


The Self-evaluation and Self-affirmation Process of Culturally Chinese People


孫蒨如(Chien-Ru Sun);王崇信(Chung-Hsin Wang)


自我肯定歷程 ; 自我設限 ; 自我評價 ; 社會取向自我 ; 相依我 ; 個人取向自我 ; 華人 ; 獨立我 ; Chinese ; independent self ; individual-oriented self ; interdependent self ; self-affirmation ; self-evaluation ; self-handicapping ; social-oriented self




24期(2005 / 12 / 01)


139 - 187




自我肯定歷程的運作一直是許多西方社會心理學者專注探討的主題,研究結果大都發現個人會追求整體自我系統的平衡,試圖保持一個統整的正向自我形象。而當自我受到威脅時,自我肯定的歷程即開始運作,可藉由肯定自我的其他重要面向或其他方式來達到自我肯定的目的。但近年來許多研究顯示不同文化下的個人其自我建構也不相同,歐美人士的自我是所謂的獨立我,而東方人的自我則是以相依我為主。本研究旨在探討維持正向自我評價及自我肯定歷程的運作概念是否也可適用於以社會取向自我(相依我)為主的華人身上,再者則是希望瞭解自我肯定歷程的運作是否可以跨越不同的自我層面,獲致相同的效果。 實驗一主要檢驗以社會取向自我為主的華人個體在個人取向自我,也就是獨立我面向受衝擊後,是否也可藉由自我肯定歷程來恢復自我系統的平衡、維持正向自我評價。本研究為2(個體經濟取向程度:高經濟取向∕低經濟取向)×3(回饋變項:沒有回饋∕正向回饋∕經濟興趣問卷)的二因子受試者間設計。本研究主要依變項為受試者的自我設限指標,亦即所選擇音樂的種類。實驗結果支持自我肯定會減少自我設限行為的假設,我們發現未獲自我肯定的受試者,包括無回饋組、非關聯正向回饋組、及低經濟取向-經濟興趣問卷組的受試者,大都選擇抑制智力表現的音樂,出現自我設限的傾向;而有機會得到自我肯定的受試者,亦即高經濟取向-經濟興趣問卷組,則無自我設限的傾向,甚至會選擇促進智力表現的音樂。 實驗二主要探討在華人所著重的社會取向自我(相依我)層面是否也會出現自我肯定歷程的運作,也同時檢驗這歷程的運作是否可以跨越不同的自我層面。由預試找出高理論興趣取向的受試者,每次聯絡兩名來參與研究。在共同進行一項作業後,受試者會在無意間看到來自另一名受試者的假負向回饋,以衝擊其社會取向自我面向,之後被分派至下列四種情境之一:(1)與父母關係獲得肯定組;(2)與朋友關係獲得肯定組;(3)個人理論興趣價值觀獲得肯定組;(4)填寫無關問卷組,另有一組無回饋組做為控制組。主要依變項為對合作過程、合作夥伴的評價,及情緒狀態測量。實驗的結果顯示,相較於朋友關係獲得肯定組、個人重要理論興趣價值觀獲得肯定組,及填寫無關問卷組等三組而言,無回饋組及與父母關係獲得肯定組這兩組的受試者對合作過程及合作伙伴都有較高的評價。此結果顯示,當個人社會取向自我的面向受到衝擊時,肯定同屬於社會取向自我面向的重要關係(即與父母關係),可使其自我恢復平衡。 本研究結果證明華人也希冀維持正向自我評價,也有自我肯定歷程的運作,但在個人取向自我面向的自我肯定似乎無助於社會取向自我面向自我平衡的恢復,這似乎也隱涵著就自我評價而言,社會取向自我及個人取向自我分屬於兩個不同的自我系統。


Numerous studies conducted in western cultures have demonstrated that the self-affirmation process is trigged when people experience a threat to their self-image and that it runs its course until the image is restored. As self-construal varies with culture, this study investigates the self-affirmation process of culturally Chinese people. In Experiment 1, 96 university students who had been prescreened with a social values scale were randomly assigned to the experimental conditions in a 2 (economic value orientation: high vs. low) × 3 (feedback condition: no feedback vs. positive feedback vs. economic subscale) factorial design. The main dependent measure of interest was the self-handicapping index. As predicted, the self-affirmation process reduced participants' tendency to self-handicap. Those who received non-contingent positive feedback still had a strong tendency to self-handicap. Facing possible impact to the independent self-image, the self-affirmation process was triggered to restore self-evaluation. In Experiment 2, 70 pre-selected theoretical-oriented culturally Chinese university students worked in pairs to complete a task. Threat to the interdependent self aspect was produced by giving the false negative feedback to participants that they were evaluated by the other party as performing inadequately as a partner. Participants were then randomly assigned to one of the following conditions: parent-son relationship affirmation, friend relationship affirmation, theoretical value affirmation, filler questionnaire, or the no feedback condition as the control group. The important dependent measures were the participants’ evaluations of the cooperative process and their partner. Those who filled out the parent-son relationship affirmation questionnaire, as well as those who received no negative feedback, made significantly better evaluations of the cooperative process and the partner than those in other conditions. That is, when experiencing negative impact on their interdependent self-construal, affirming important relationships, especially the one with parents, restores the self-image. When the interdependent self-aspect was threatened, self-affirmation on important personal values did little to restore self-evaluation. Implications are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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