


The Upper Echelon's Configuration and Strategy Formation in Chinese Organizations




王思峰(Sy-Feng Wang)


社會網絡分析 ; 家長式領導 ; 差序格局 ; 策略形成 ; 結構洞 ; differential matrices ; paternalistic leadership ; social network analysis ; strategy formation process ; structural hole




31期(2009 / 06 / 30)


177 - 246






Leaders of organizations have strategies for dealing with the functional issues of internal integration and external adaptation. However, as they like to keep these strategies private, the processes used to form such strategies are not well understood by researchers. Research on these strategy formation processes have only recently been initiated in Taiwan. Based on the paternalistic leadership model and the differential matrices model, we propose the following: (1) In those organizations characterized by paternalistic leadership and the differential matrices models, the social structure of top level leaders (upper echelon) is what Ronald S. Burt called ”structural hole”. (2) When the upper echelon's interaction rule is dominated by control logic, the structural hole social structure will induce a power-leading strategy formation process; when it is dominated by information logic, the structural hole social structure will induce ”take the golden mean” position and ”dialect and emerge” strategy formation processes. (3) When all else is equal, the ”dialect and emerge” process will produce more innovative and higher quality strategies than the ”take the golden mean” position and the power-leading process; the ”take the golden mean” position will produce higher quality strategy than the power-leading process. One longitudinal case study research in a reputed apparel corporation affirmed these propositions. The theoretical meanings are discussed and compared to the upper echelon perspective theory. The compounding phenomena of paternalistic leadership's effect on corporate performance are also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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