


Life- and Work-oriented Considerate Behaviors of Leaders in Chinese Organizations: The Dual Dimensions of Benevolent Leadership




林姿葶(Tzu-Ting Lin);鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng)


工作照顧 ; 仁慈領導 ; 主管忠誠 ; 生活照顧 ; 角色內績效 ; 角色外行為 ; 遵從權威取向 ; benevolent leadership (BL) ; extra-role behavior ; in-role performance ; life-oriented considerate behaviors ; loyalty ; obedience-to-authority orientation ; work-oriented considerate behaviors




37期(2012 / 06 / 30)


253 - 302






Benevolent leadership (BL), the caring for subordinates, is traceable to the monarchy, fatherly obligations, and the Confucianist principles of reciprocity, which is proved to have a significant and unique effect on various subordinate responses. After critically reviewing the extant literature and theoretically comparing with similar Western theories, namely leader-member exchange and servant leadership, we identify two constituent behavioral dimensions of BL: life-oriented and work-oriented considerate behaviors. We further propose and test a preliminary model concerning the antecedents, namely supervisor's obedience-to-authority orientation and perception of subordinate's loyalty, and the consequences, namely subordinate's extra-role behavior and in-role performance, of dual dimensions of BL. Our two samples comprised leader-follower dyads organizations situated throughout Taiwan using survey research techniques. Results from structured equation modeling (SEM) techniques supported our hypothesized model. Overall, our study extends benevolent leadership theory by providing an integrative mechanism of benevolent leadership, and emphasized the important role of life-oriented benevolent leadership. The implications, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed at the end of the paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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