


To Go or Not To Go? The Unfolding of the Self in Young Taiwanese Women in the Decision-making Process to Work Overseas




陳佳雯(Jia-Wun Chen);陸洛(Luo Lu);王煜榕(Yu-Jung Wang)


女性 ; 工作價值 ; 外派決策 ; 折衷自我 ; composite self ; expatriate decision ; female workers ; work values




39期(2013 / 06 / 01)


65 - 116






The purpose of this study is to explore how Taiwanese women practice the Chinese composite self in making decisions about working overseas. Specifically, we explored how Taiwanese women's multiple selves jointly shape their work values, and how these work values affect their decision to work overseas and to return home. Seven young working women (from 25 to 38 years old with the mean age of 29.71, working in manufacturing and financial industries) with expatriate experience were interviewed in-depth. Narrative analysis was applied to the transcripts of the interviews. Results indicated that structural differences in the social and cultural contexts led to integration of the multiple selves. Specifically, young Taiwanese women took into consideration the multiple needs of dependence and independence in their decision-making process regarding working overseas. They worked to obtain self-actualization, a sense of challenge and achievement, and career advancement. At the same time, they treasured relationships with family and important others, and valued support and recognition of their supervisors. Such an intricate synthesis of independence and dependence is a work of the composite self.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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