


Follow the Situational Rules or Your Heart? Individual Differences in Behavior under Critical Situations among Taiwanese




高旭繁(Shu-Fang Kao)


見機行事 ; 忠於自我 ; 情境取向 ; self ; situation-orientation




40期(2013 / 12 / 01)


3 - 44






The study explored individual differences in behavioral tendencies among Taiwanese taking into account the dual influences of situation and self. Using structured questionnaires, ”role obligation” and ”autonomous independence” scenarios were presented to solicit situation-oriented behavioral tendencies in participants. Participants were 354 university students and 347 adults (mean age = 34.73), with an equal gender ratio. Results showed that (1) participants manifested situation-orientation in both types of scenarios; (2) an authoritarian personality intensified the situation-orientation in role obligation scenarios, whereas it ameliorated the situation-orientation in the autonomous independence scenarios; (3) egalitarian personality intensified the situation-orientation in autonomous independence scenarios; and finally (4) participants generally had a stronger situation-orientation tendency than a be-true-to-the-self tendency. The situation is vitally important for understanding Taiwanese people’s behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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