


Implicit Affection in Taiwanese Couples: Gratitude, Forbearance, and Marital Satisfaction




利翠珊(Tsui-Shan Li);蕭英玲(Ying-Ling Hsiao)


內隱情感 ; 忍 ; 婚姻滿意度 ; 感恩 ; forbearance ; gratitude ; implicit affection ; marital satisfaction




45期(2016 / 06 / 01)


93 - 128






This study investigated the feeling and expression of gratitude and forbearance in Taiwanese couples, and their effect on marital satisfaction. Data were drawn from the Taiwan Social Change Survey 2011 data set, and consisted of 1,173 married or cohabited individuals. The results indicated that the feeling of gratitude was significantly higher than the expression of gratitude in Taiwanese couples, which implies the phenomenon of unspoken gratitude. We also identified gender differences. Men experienced more feelings of gratitude and showed higher frequencies of 3 different kinds of forbearance behaviors: suppression, concession, and tolerance. Regression analyses revealed that for both men (age 40-65, with an education level above college or under junior high school) and women (under 65, with only a high school degree or less), feelings and expression of gratitude both significantly positively correlated with the individual's marital satisfaction. Only in men did forbearance predict marital satisfaction. Suppression correlated with decreased marital satisfaction, while tolerance correlated with an increase. This relationship was especially true among the 40-65 age group and those with only a junior high or lower education. In sum, our findings highlighted that the feeling and expression of gratitude, as well as different types of forbearance had different effects on marital satisfaction for men and women. For men, the expression of gratitude showed higher effects on marital satisfaction, while tolerance rather than suppression was also beneficial to his marriage.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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