


Chinese Couple Consensus Building and Affection Enhancement-Advancing Family Theoretical Construction and Educational Practice through Participatory Action Research




利翠珊(Tsui-Shan Li);蕭英玲(Ying-Ling Hsiao);陳富美(Fu-Mei Chen);鄧皓引(Hao-Yin Teng);丁品瑄(Ping-Hsuan Ting)


夫妻共識 ; 本土研究 ; 參與式行動研究 ; 婚姻教育方案 ; 情感增溫 ; couple consensus ; indigenous research ; marital education program ; participatory action research ; relationship enrichment




49期(2018 / 06 / 01)


207 - 276




本研究的目的在縮短學術與實務的落差,透過參與式行動研究,我們希望促成學者與實務者相互對話,除在學術上試圖增進對夫妻共識形成歷程的理解外,亦擬共同發展一組協助夫妻情感增溫的婚姻教育方案。團隊的核心成員包括三名大學教授與兩名家庭教育工作者,每月一次召開定期會議並有多次不定期的小組會議,以共同作決策與解決問題。另外我們也舉辦了四場焦點團體訪談,分別進行需求評估、方案諮詢與方案評估。針對14 名婚姻教育實務工作者、5 名男性潛在服務對象及10名方案參與者蒐集資料。焦點團體的研究結果顯示,本土夫妻的共識形成必須先有「意願」與「氛圍」,而丈夫在面臨婚姻歧見時,重視的是目的而非過程上的共識,在共識建立的過程中,他們也傾向以退讓的方式避免爭端。本研究也發展了一套植基於本土研究成果的家庭成長活動方案,以本土性、趣味性、私密性、專業性、多元性為主要特色。目前已針對育有幼兒階段的家庭進行試做,此試做過程在招募與執行中遇到丈夫參與意願不足與孩子臨場狀況等問題,但從參與方案夫妻的回饋中可得知他們多感受到彼此情感上的增溫。參與婚姻教育方案的夫妻則表示,夫妻之間並無法也不需要每件事都達到共識,持續的溝通並考量夫妻是否能共同承擔行的後果可能更重要。在此過程中,學術工作者與實務工作者彼此充權,學者反思過去研究的盲點,指出夫妻共識形成存在著一些必要條件。實務工作者則指出此方案與過去重視技巧訓練或心理諮商的婚姻教育方案有所區別。雙方均同意持續走向下一個計畫、行動、檢核、評估、反思的行動研究循環。


The goal of this research is to bridge the gap between academia and practice. Through participatory action research, we try to facilitate dialogue between researcher and practitioner. We aim at advancing our knowledge about the process of reaching couple consensus. It is also our attempt to develop a marriage education program which helps couple enrich their relationship. The key members of the PAR team include 3 college professors and 2 family educators. Monthly meetings and several group meetings in between are held to make decisions together and solve problems. We also conduct 4 focus groups to do need assessment, program consultation, and program evaluation respectively. Data are collected from 14 family educators, 5 male potential participants, and 10 program participants. Results of the focus groups indicate that, 'willingness' and 'atmosphere' are the premises of consensus. It is also found that when couples disagree with each other, husbands are concerned about reaching a tangible goal rather than dealing with the negotiation process. They also tend to avoid arguments in the consensus building process. As planned, a program based on indigenous research findings is developed. It is characterized as localization, pleasure, privacy, profession, and diversity. The program is then applied to couples with preschool children. In the process of recruiting participants and implementing the program, we run into difficulties such as husbands not interested in joining the program, children need special attention, etc. However, most program participants do experience enrichment in their marital relationship. Inputs from the program participants in the focus group also reveal that couple consensus is not always possible, nor necessary. Continuously communicating with each other and being able to take possible consequences may be more important. Through the whole process, researcher and practitioner are empowered by each other. Researchers reflected upon academic bias such as overlooking conditions of reaching couple consensus. Family education practitioners, on the other hand, value the program for it is distinguished from other programs that focus on skill practicing or counseling. They all agree to move on to the next action research circle, which is plan, act, check, assess, and reflection.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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