


A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Chinese Traditionality and Employee Work Effectiveness




胡昌亞(Changya Hu);陳燕諭(Yen-Yu Chen);周庭佑(Tingyu Chou);范思美(Mai Pham);張詩慧(Shihui Zhang)


工作行為 ; 工作態度 ; 華人傳統性 ; 整合分析 ; 職場健康 ; Chinese traditionality ; meta-analysis ; work attitude ; work behavior ; workplace well-being




56期(2021 / 12 / 01)


3 - 79






Chinese traditionality is a central research construct in Chinese indigenous psychology. Originally developed by Kuo-Shu Yang and colleagues in the 1970s, Chinese traditionality has extended to the workplace context. Although many empirical studies have explored the relationship between Chinese traditionality and employee work effectiveness (i.e., work attitude, work behavior, workplace well-being), the results are inconsistent. These mixed findings lead to confusion in the nomological network of Chinese traditionality and obstruct the development of Chinese traditionality. Hence, a quantitative review of empirical findings of estimates of effect sizes between Chinese traditionality and its correlates is needed. To respond to this research call, we conducted a meta-analysis to summarize and clarify the relationship between Chinese traditionality and employees' work attitudes and behaviors. Starting in December 2019, we conducted literature searches on Chinese traditionality, including database search (12 databases) and forward search (18 articles on Chinese traditionality measures). Keywords used were "Chinese traditionality," "individual traditionality," "psychological traditionality," and "traditionality." In total, our meta-analysis database consisted of 4,930 articles. Based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final database contained 188 empirical studies (138 journal articles, 46 thesis/dissertation, and four conference papers) that examined employee Chinese traditionality and its correlates in the workplace. Considering the heterogeneity of the studies, we adopted the Schmidt-Hunter random effects. In addition, we corrected all effect sizes for sample error and measurement error. We found that Chinese traditionality is positively related to power distance orientation and the following work attitudes: organizational loyalty, supervisor loyalty, perceived social support, perceived organizational support, person-organization fit, job satisfaction, pay satisfaction, perceived organizational justice, organizational commitment, distributive justice, fit, identification, trust in supervisor, and trust. On the other hand, Chinese traditionality was negatively related to turnover intention. In terms of employee behaviors and well-being, Chinese traditionality is only positively related to organizational citizenship behavior, but it is unrelated to employee well-being. Furthermore, Chinese traditionality was positively associated with some demographic characteristics, inducing job tenure, age, tenure, and organizational tenure, but negatively with education. The moderation analyses showed that scales used to measure Chinese traditionality (i.e., one dimension or multiple dimensions) and geographical regions of the samples moderated the relationship between Chinese traditionality and its correlates. We discussed the future research direction of Chinese traditionality. About 87% of studies conducted in the work context measured only the subdimension "obedience-to-authority orientation." Three possible reasons for this phenomenon have been proposed. First, Farh and his colleagues (Farh, Earley, & Lin, 1997; Farh, Hackett, & Jian, 2007) posited that obedience-to-authority orientation is the core concept of Chinese traditionality, particularly relevant for examining employee interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Second, results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses constantly suggest the issue of cross-loading items, challenging the construct validity in empirical studies. As a result, researchers resort to exploring only a single dimension most closely related to workplace context: obedience-to-authority orientation. Third, because the work of Farh et al. (1997) widely influenced the development of Chinese traditionality, most studies in our databases followed their approach. Obedience-to-authority orientation is prevalent in the studies of Chinese traditionality in the workplace. Although some researchers suggest that the obedience-to-authority orientation is equivalent to the concept of Chinese traditionality (see Hui et al., 2007; Zhao & Liu, 2020), this approach limits the scope and a precise understanding of Chinese traditionality. Our study suggests that future studies should consider including other dimensions and examine their influences. For example, male superiority emphasizes the belief that men are superior to women, which may affect how employees interact in the workplace or how they perceive certain organizational practices. Therefore, the "male superiority orientation" may be a better sub-dimension for exploring gender-related research topics. Finally, we discussed the theoretical and managerial implications of our results.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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