


Revisiting the Dual Dimensions of Benevolent Leadership: Construct Clarification and Scale Development




林昱錡(Yu-Chi Lin);簡忠仁(Chung-Jen Chien);林姿葶(Tzu-Ting Lin)


工作照顧 ; 仁慈領導 ; 生活照顧 ; 華人組織 ; 華人領導 ; benevolent leadership ; Chinese organization ; Chinese leadership ; life-oriented considerate behaviors ; work-oriented considerate behaviors




58期(2022 / 12 / 01)


3 - 59






Benevolent leadership is a work- and life-oriented leadership style characterized by traditional Chinese values. It entails individualized care in two dimensions: work-related (e.g., allowing opportunities to correct mistakes, providing coaching and mentoring, or showing concern for the career development of employees) and life-related (e.g., treating employees as family members, providing assistance during a personal crisis, or showing holistic concern beyond the professional relationship). The unique feature of benevolent leadership in comparison with Western leadership styles such as supportive leadership, individual consideration, servant leadership, and authentic leadership, is its dual-dimensional nature. Although previous studies have provided preliminary evidence of this dual-dimensional structure, several research gaps remain. First, the original concept of benevolent leadership was based on an observational study of the founders of Chinese family businesses. Since Chinese culture is characterized by significant power-distance relationships, the difference in power and resources between the highest-level founder and middle management are significant. This power inequality has the potential to generate different benevolent behaviors. Research focusing on the work and life consideration behaviors of middle management is needed. Second, if the globalization of values has impacted younger generations to reduce emphasis on hierarchy, the behavioral representation of benevolent leadership based on traditional culture may need updating. For example, how leaders display their work- and life-oriented consideration behaviors may differ from leaders of the previous generation. Research focusing on leaders' benevolent behavior in modern organizations is needed. Third, the existing measurement tool for assessing the dual dimensions of benevolent leadership was generated based on the original benevolent leadership theory. Whether this instrument is sufficient for describing current leaders' caregiving behaviors remains an open question. These potential theoretical and methodological problems are the main reason for the lack of recent discussion of the benevolent leadership model and they hinder progression of the theory. We conducted two studies. Study 1 clarified the characteristics of leaders' work and life caring behaviors. We collected data from 100 employees in Taiwan, including 176 critical incidents in the work domain and 96 in the life domain. We adopted an inductive approach to analyze the data. We identified 10 behavioral categories that could be classified into the work-oriented dimension (talent cultivation, problem elimination, voices of followers, inspiration, and coordination with listening) and the life-oriented dimension (life assistance, life guidance, daily care, family concerns, and relief of suffering). In Study 2, we developed a reliable scale to measure benevolent leadership in the work and life domains. First, we generated 21 new items based on the theoretical definitions and critical incidents we identified in Study 1. Next, we conducted a forced categorization procedure to confirm the face and content validity of the items based on the responses of 60 undergraduate students. We combined these 21 newly developed items with the 11 original items to analyze their structure. We divided a sample of 386 employees into two random groups for exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). A total of 18 items reached the acceptable criteria for factor analysis, and the EFA identified three factors. The work-oriented factor comprised 8 new items; we deleted the original work domain items due to cross-loading or insufficient factor loading. The other two factors comprised life-orientated behaviors: life-orientation (5 items, including 1 newly-developed item and 4 original items) and problem-solving orientation (5 newly-developed items). We found moderate positive correlations among the three dimensions. The CFA showed that the second-order dual-factor model had appropriate fit indices, confirming the reliability and validity of the three-dimensional structure of the updated benevolent leadership scale. We revisited the characteristics of the work and life domain caring behaviors expressed as a part of benevolent leadership. The analyses revealed that benevolent leadership has a three-dimensional structure. In addition to the original work and life dimensions, we also identified a problem-solving dimension from new life dimension items. We developed a reliable questionnaire to assess the three-dimensional structure of benevolent leadership. We posit that these dimensions may cross management levels and industry because our participants contained both middle and C-suite leaders, they came from diverse industries and occupations (not just traditional family businesses), and we changed the research perspective from leader to follower to investigate behaviors perceived by followers. Our results provide a new understanding of the work and life dimensions of benevolent leadership in modern organizations along with a measurement tool. We discuss our findings in the context of the existing leadership literature, and identify future research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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