


Can Knowledge (Dao) Be Honored Whether or Not the Teacher Is Respected? The Dual Connotations, Function, and Transformation of Respect for Teachers in a Contemporary Confucian Society




簡晉龍(Chin-Lung Chien);黃仲平(Chung-Ping Huang);許詩淇(Shih-Chi Hsu)


畏師 ; 師生倫理 ; 師生關係 ; 尊師重道 ; 權威取向 ; authoritarian orientation ; fear of teachers ; teacher-student ethics ; teacher-student relationships




58期(2022 / 12 / 01)


61 - 117






In traditional Confucian society, values emphasizing respect for teachers was not only important for solidifying the authority of the upper class (including teachers), people also believed that students can only learn well by respecting teachers. Essentially, respect for teachers was hierarchical and reverential. In modern times, some scholars and members of the public have applied the Western value of equality to criticize the traditional emphasis on respect for teachers. They regard respect for teachers as a symbol of authoritarianism that should be abolished. Numerous Confucian societies around East Asia may be facing the question of identifying the modern benefits and drawbacks of the traditional emphasis on respect for teachers. In this article, we examine several academic questions surrounding respect for teachers: Does the superficial phenomenon of the controversy over respect for teachers have more complex psychological implications and connotations? If so, what are the different functions corresponding to the different connotations? Does respect for teachers result in better learning? Is it possible to transform respect for teachers? Examining these questions can shed light on the current controversy over whether or not government policy should support the traditional values emphasizing respect for teachers. Most current teacher-student relationship theories originate from Western cultures. They cannot explain local phenomenon or controversies arising from the traditional emphasis on respect for teachers in Confucian societies. A culture-compatible theoretical conceptual framework is needed. We adopted parallel theoretical top-down and data-driven bottom-up strategies to develop such a framework. Starting with indigenous constructs and theories such as the principle of respecting the superior, authoritarian orientation, and the distinction between obligatory and actual affection, we conducted a preliminary theoretical top down analysis of respect for teachers. This analysis provided initial insight into respect for teachers. Next, we conducted qualitative individual in-depth interviews with 13 students (6 male and 7 female). Their mean age was 23.4. Template analysis of the transcripts revealed that respect for teachers contains the dual connotations of "reverence for teachers" and "fear of teachers." Each connotation encompassed two aspects: Reverence included regarding teachers as respectful elders, and treating teachers with reverence. Fear included a negative expectation of teacher-student interaction, and a feeling of dread toward teachers. Reverence and Fear stem from socio-cultural influences and personal experiences. With reverence for teachers, students regard teachers as respected elders or seniors in their family and treat them with due respect, which is a type of obligatory affection. Fear of teachers is developed through interactional experiences accumulated over time. It entails forming negative expectations of interaction with teachers and spontaneous fear, which is a type of actual (negative) affection. As a trait-like structure, generalized reverence for teachers and fear of teachers may be difficult to change. However, through specific mechanisms during teacher-student interaction, it is possible that a student's reverence for or fear of a particular teacher may be transformed. For example, if the teacher fulfills their teaching role, the student's respect for the teacher may grow from obligatory into actual affection. If the teacher treats students well and truly cares about them, students' fear will diminish. It is noteworthy that reverence for teachers may bring out the positive functions of teacher-student interaction and student learning, but fear of teachers may have a negative impact. In summary, in order to clarify the controversy over respect for teachers in contemporary society, we established a conceptual framework of respect for teachers that encompasses the dual connotations of reverence for teachers and fear of teachers. Based on the different impacts of each of these connotations on teacher-student interaction and student learning, the reverence component may be helpful for learning and worth preserving in contemporary society, but the fear component should be transformed. It is the fear component of respect for teachers that brings negative impact rather than the global phenomenon of respect for teachers. This study offers a more profound understanding of teacher-student relationships in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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