


From Micro to Macro: Exploring the Development of Human Resource under Phenomenology






現象學 ; 質化研究 ; 人力資源發展 ; 職能 ; 評鑑中心法 ; Phenomenology ; Qualitative research ; Human resource development ; Competency ; Assessment center




49期(2012 / 03 / 01)


56 - 83






Phenomenology is a philosophy and can be a kind of study method; it seeks the essence of objective life experience. It was founded by the German philosopher Husserl in 1859. He defined it as the object at which consciousness is directed. Initially phenomenology was used strictly in the development of science. Aside from its application in methodology, later scholars expanded it to other fields, such as sociology, psychology, etc. The development of human resource is likewise a science researching humans. The content of this paper expands phenomenology to its application in qualitative human resource research and development. The present study attempts to discuss this topic from the relations of the original development, theoretical implications, and quantitative research of phenomenology to how to utilize it for building competence in the human resource field and establishing an assessment center method. Finally this study provides some solid conclusions and some suggestions.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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