


On the School-Based Curriculum Evaluation: An Approach of Enduring School-Based Curriculum Development




張嘉育(Chia- Yu Chang);黃政傑(Jeng-Jye Hwang)


課程發展 ; 課程評鑑 ; 學校本位課程發展 ; 學校本位課程評鑑 ; curriculum evaluation ; curriculum development ; school-based curriculum evaluation ; school-based curriculum development




4卷2期(2001 / 04 / 01)


85 - 109+157






As the educators advocate and the proclamation of the ”Nine-year Articulated Curriculum Guideline”, school-based curriculum development (SBCD) has started to ”become a movement” which engages the energies of curriculum specialists and educators. In spite of the reports and actions of SBCD springing up, the concept and practice of evaluating SBCD still has not received much attention. This paper intends to focus on the school-based curriculum evaluation (SBCE) and articulate four main points. First, the meaning of SBCE is presented. Second, we argue the case for the SBCE and consider SBCE as an approach of enduring SBCD. The third section of the paper provides the procedure, evaluation indicators and participants involved. Finally, the guiding principles of implementation which have attempted to illustrate the contexts and consideration of forms which help determine SBCE are discussed. To introduce the SBCE at the institutional level of school might not be an easy task, however, it should not be separated from the SBCD. SBCE should, moreover, be regarded as the approach of implementing and enduring SBCD.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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