


The Curriculum Desigh for Teaching with Multiple Intelligence




王為國(Wei-Kuo Wang)


多元智能 ; 課程 ; 教學 ; curriculum ; multiple intelligences ; teaching




5卷1期(2002 / 01 / 01)


1 - 20+171






The formative background of multiple intelligences (MI) include: a challenge to theory of traditional intelligence, accessibility of MI theory, student -centered approach, MI similar to idea of multicultural education, reflections on standardized tests, influences of cognition psychology on MI, and support from brain research.The tasks of curriculum development include: one discipline involved in curriculum integration of MI, interdisciplinary curriculum integration of MI, apprenticeships, MI projects, and design of learning center. Three visions for education are important for teachers: matching, stretching, and celebrating MI. In addition three types of lessons are needed: teaching for MI, teaching with MI, and teaching about MI. There are four stages necessary to teach with MI: awaken, amplify, teach, and transfer. Teachers need to reflect balances of MI in teaching.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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