


The Curriculum and Instruction of Self-Regulated Learning




劉佩雲(Pay-Yun Liu)


多元評量 ; 自我調整學習 ; 自我調整學習教學 ; multiple measurement ; self-regulated learning ; the teaching model of self-regulated learning




5卷3期(2002 / 07 / 01)


35 - 48+127






Self-regulated learning has emerged as an important new construct in education. The author have discussed about the theories of self-regulated learning, the curriculum and teaching models of self-regulated learning, the measurements of self-regulated learning. The cyc1ical model of self-regulated learning has been used to improve students' self-regulation: monitoring associated with self-evaluation, goal setting and strategy planning, monitoring associated with strategy implementation, monitoring associated with efforts to adapt the strategy from outcomes. This self-regulated learning of embedded curriculum process provide students with vital feedback for self-evaluating learning progress, making appropriate cyclical adjustments in instructional models and multiple measurement process, for sustaining perceptions of efficacy until mastery is achieved, and becoming a lifelong learner.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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