


Can We Promote the Gongde (Public Morality) by Implementing Character Education?




簡成熙(Cheng-Hsi Chien)


品格教育 ; 道德教育 ; 公德 ; 德行倫理學 ; character education ; moral education ; gongde




9卷2期(2006 / 04 / 01)


13 - 30






Although moral education plays an important role as an educational ideal in Ancient China, the deficiency of gongde or public morality, which means the individual pursuing personal interest but violating the public interest, is apparent in Chinese living world. As we know, moral education as a school subject has been canceled in elementary and high school in the educational curriculum reform in the last ten years in Taiwan. That is one of the reasons why so many scholars and the public reemphasize the importance of moral education. However, moral education or character education has been advocated recently just as an educational slogan. In this paper, the author first defines the meaning of gongde chiefly referred to the negative civic behavior-citizen's restraint from damaging public interest or harming other people in public sphere, which has been popular meaning of gongde since 1963 in Taiwan. Then, the author wants to interpret that the philosophical foundations of character education are the virtue ethics and communitarianism, yet the philosophical foundation of gongde is classic liberalism. That is, gongde differs significantly from the Western idea of civic virtues- citizen's participation to the public affairs positively. The author argues the two concepts between character education and gongde existing intensive relation in Chinese cultural context. Can we promote the gongde (public morality) by implementing character education? The answer of the author is negative. Even though the limit of character education is discussed in this paper, the author provides some suggestions and still believes that character education has positive value for people civilization in the new century.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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