


The Study of the Alignment between Art Textbook of Elementary School and Competency Indicators of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Standards




謝政達(Cheng-Ta Hsieh)


能力指標 ; 校準 ; 藝術教科書 ; competency indicators ; alignment ; art textbook




11卷4期(2008 / 11 / 01)


109 - 136




本研究主要的目的在探究國小藝術教師評定藝術與人文領域教科書與九年一貫課程分段能力指標的校準程度。以能力指標作為校準依據編製問卷,請12名國小藝術教師為評分者,進行藝術教科書與能力指標校準程度的問卷填寫。資料透過卡方考驗與平均數進行比較分析後,發現以下結果: 一、藝術教科書對目標主軸的校準程度,依序為「探索與表現」、「實踐與應用」、「審美與理解」。 二、藝術教科書對於不同能力指標有不同的校準程度。 三、藝術教科書對各目標主軸的不同的能力指標均有不同校準程度。 建議未來研究者可以針對標準、教學與評量作校準相關研究;另探究多種版本藝術教科書的比較外,並進一步探討藝術教科書有所側重與偏弱的能力指標,作為未來課程能力指標修訂與教科書編定的參考依據。


The main purpose of this study is to judge the alignment between the current arts and humanities textbooks and the competency indicators of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Standards by the art teachers. The data is collected through questionnaires answered by 12 elementary school art teachers. All questions in the questionnaire focus on various versions of elementary school’s art and humanities textbooks. The conclusion can be summarized as follows: (1) The alignment degree of the goal spindle, ”exploration and performance” is higher than ”implementation and application” and ”aesthetics and understanding” within three art curricular goal spindles; (2) the art textbooks have different alignment degrees to the various competency indicators; and (3) the art textbooks have different alignment degrees to the various competency indicators under three art curricular goal spindles. The author suggests that future studies can align content between standards and assessment, and compare thoroughly various versions of art and humanities textbooks, and further investigate the competency indicators are laterally emphasized and neglected under various goal spindles in order to provide references to revise indicators and editing textbooks.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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