Curriculum evaluation is a process that helps people to learn how to examine curriculum. When teachers deal with curriculum evaluation, no matter through self-reflection, observation from others, records, interviews or questionnaires, mostly they proceed according to the curriculum evaluation standards which are set in advance. The function of standards is primarily to provide evaluation with objective perspectives; however, standards setting makes teachers neglect other factors of curriculum and individual differences and thus may deter possible creation and development. The existence of standards narrows different issues of curriculum and makes standards the only criteria.While the application of evaluation standards gradually moves toward standardization, more and more researchers are reflecting on the pros and cons of standardization and provide the concept of post-standardization as an alternative. In this article I apply the concept of post-standardization so as to examine the meaning and value of curriculum evaluation standards, explore the experiences from standardization to post-standardization in curriculum reformation context and try to construct post-standardization, and thus have a brand-new perspectives toward curriculum evaluation.
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