


Study of Problems Facing Private Preschool Curriculum Leadership and Solving Strategies: A Qualitative Approach




林佳芬(Chia-Fen Lin);李子建(John Chi-Kin Lee)


幼兒園 ; 課程領導 ; 質性研究 ; 紮根理論 ; preschool ; curriculum leadership ; qualitative research ; grounded theory




17卷2期(2014 / 04 / 01)


67 - 92






The goal of this study was to investigate difficulties facing private preschool curriculum leadership and examine strategies for resolving problems. This study employed a qualitative research method, with a research design including two-stage collection of qualitative data, and employed a grounded theory approach to coding and analysis. The first stage consisted of a focus group discussion chiefly intended to gain an understanding of problems encountered by curriculum leadership. The case interviews in the second stage were built on the results of focus group discussion, and purposive sampling was employed to find cases of preschools with practical effectiveness. These preschools were asked about their solving strategies for responding to difficulties. According to the results of the study, difficulties facing curriculum leadership included position or responsibility on the part of curriculum leaders, professional gaps and work pressure among preschool teaching personnel, confusion and anxiety concerning new curriculum outlines, and market orientation of parents' choices. Strategies for resolving problems included establishing the vision and a system for curriculum development, assisting preschool teachers to attain professional growth, understanding trends and securing relevant resources, and marketing distinctive curricula and promoting parent-teacher interaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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