


Chinese Character Reading before Primary School and the Discrimination of Phonological Awareness, Visual Perception and Tzu-yin Decoding




林珮伃(Pei-Yu Lin);林宛儒(Wan-Ju Lin)


中文閱讀發展 ; 幼兒語文教育 ; 學前中文識字 ; early literacy program ; literacy development in Chinese ; pre-primary Chinese character reading




18卷2期(2015 / 04 / 01)


101 - 123






The purpose of this study was to examine kindergarteners' performance of Chinese character reading before they entered primary school. A discriminant function analysis was conducted to find out whether phonological awareness, visual perception, and Tzu-yin decoding could discriminate performance of the Chinese character reading among kindergarteners. There were 405 participants from 24 randomly selected kindergartens, located in 11 administrative regions in the municipality of Middle Taiwan. A test of Chinese Character Reading was administered in groups. Ninety-two better performers and 81 worse performers in Chinese Character Reading Test were selected and individually assessed with Phonological Awareness Test, Visual Perception Test, and Tzu-yin Decoding Test. The results revealed that Taiwanese pre-primary age children's Chinese characters reading performance varied a great deal. Phonological awareness, visual memory and orthographic awareness, and Tzu-yin decoding were all effective in the discrimination of Chinese character reading. Phonological awareness was found to be the most significant variable, followed by Tzu-yin decoding and visual perception.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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