


A Case Study on Mathematics Curriculum Implemented in a Gifted Class of an Elementary School




徐偉民(Wei-Min Hsu);陳佳萍(Chia-Ping Chen);蔡桂芳(Kuei-Fang Tsai)


國小 ; 資優資源班 ; 數學問題 ; 數學課程實施 ; elementary school ; gifted resource classroom ; mathematical problem ; mathematics curriculum implementation




19卷2期(2016 / 04 / 01)


129 - 159






The purpose of this study was to investigate how an experienced elementary school teacher implemented her mathematics curriculum in a fifth-grade gifted class. At the same time, the study also identified what factors she had considered from her more than 20 years' teaching. A case study approach was used. All data collected included classroom observations and teacher interviews. The findings indicated that most of the tasks she used were high-level cognitive demands requiring students to explore and understand the relevant concepts and relationships. She implemented the tasks both in teacher-students cooperative enquiry and students-self enquiry. She also provided plenty opportunities for students to reason, conjecture, and check their own thinking when they worked on the tasks. Her main considerations were based on her learned teaching experience, such as her viewpoints about the target curriculum and her students' learning characteristics. Other factors like learning contexts and mathematics curriculum had less influence on her teaching. However, the limited teaching time and the feeling of time pressure were the main concerns in her curriculum implementation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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