


Emotions and Learning Strategies on Mathematics Academic Achievement




劉玉玲(Yu-Ling Liu)


數學學業情緒 ; 數學學習策略 ; 數學學業成就 ; mathematics achievement emotions ; mathematics learning strategy ; mathematics academic achievement




19卷2期(2016 / 04 / 01)


161 - 192






Based on the broaden-and-build theory developed by Fredrickson and the theory of achievement emotions proposed by Pekrun, the present study attempted to construct a structural equation model of a causal relationship among junior high students' mathematics achievement emotions, mathematics learning strategies, and mathematics academic achievement. The participants were 310 eighth-graders from seven junior high schools in the northern Taoyuan County. The result showed that there is a significantly negative effect of mathematic achievement emotions on mathematic academic performance, but there is a significantly positive and direct effect of mathematic achievement emotions on mathematics learning strategies. The result also revealed that with mathematics learning strategies functioning as a mediator variable, mathematics academic emotions significantly and positively affect academic achievement in mathematics. Implications for theory, instructional intervention and future research were discussed in the end.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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