


The Effects and the Process of a Bicultural Skill-Based Literacy Intervention Program for Young Indigenous Children




辛靜婷(Ching-Ting Hsin)


技能取向 ; 讀寫學習 ; 原住民 ; 雙文化 ; 幼兒教育 ; skill-based approach ; phonics ; indigenous children ; early childhood education




19卷4期(2016 / 10 / 01)


191 - 227




本研究目的是了解促進學業能力與文化認同之雙文化聲韻介入課程之幼兒學習成效及教師教學歷程。本研究採用混合研究法,由研究者帶領一漢人職前教師發展與執行22 小時之課程,共有14 位來自東部一所魯凱族為主之幼兒園幼兒參與本課程。本研究蒐集包括課堂觀察、相關文件、及教師訪談等質性資料,並邀請該園同班11 位未參與課程幼兒作為注音測驗之對照組。研究結果顯示參與課程之幼兒在注音認讀及聽音辨認注音能力上,顯著高於未參與課程者,兩者的差異屬於大效應量。在教學歷程上,教師面臨文化不連續之衝擊,原因可能來自教師對該族文化不熟悉、幼兒對自身文化或中文用詞的理解有限、教師和幼兒之文化差異、及原住民族幼兒和主流幼兒學習方式差異。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a bicultural skill-based literacy intervention program on indigenous children's development of phonetic symbols and their identity with Rukai culture. Using a mixed-methods approach with classroom observations, documents analyses, and interviews, the researcher of the study as well as a Han preservice teacher developed and implemented a 22-hour program. A total of 14 indigenous children attending a kindergarten in eastern part of Taiwan were invited to participate in the program, and 11 classmates of the participating children were also recruited to be the control group. The results indicated that the children who joined this program outperformed on sounding out and recognizing phonetic symbols than those in the control group. Furthermore, some cultural discrepancies were observed and perceived when the preservice teacher was teaching the indigenous children. These perceptions might have stemmed from the teacher's limited knowledge of Rukai culture, the children's limited knowledge of Chinese vocabulary relating to their own culture, the cultural differences between the teacher and the children, and the differences in learning styles between indigenous children and mainstream children.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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