


Spectroscopic Study of Problem-Based Learning in both Primary and Secondary Education




洪志成(Chih-Chen Hung);洪慧真(Hui-Chen Hung)


問題導向學習 ; 教學設計 ; 內容分析 ; 中小學教學 ; problem-based learning ; instructional design ; content analysis ; primary and secondary education




20卷2期(2017 / 04 / 01)


1 - 27




本文旨在探究中、小學實施問題導向學習(Problem-Based Learning, 簡稱PBL)之研究趨勢與缺口,採內容分析法,研究樣本取自嚴格雙審期刊共15 篇。主要類目包含PBL 教學成效與歷程,次類目包含研究脈絡、教學設計中的教師角色和學生角色、教學歷程中師生主控情形等。主要結果發現,部分中小學研究者對PBL 定位與內涵有概念混用傾向,以致誤用或弱化了PBL 的教學設計;多數研究缺乏厚實描述PBL 複雜之動態歷程,對PBL 如何經由團體互動歷程促成學習成效仍缺乏細膩的因果實證,因此,本研究最後提出,未來仍須更多質量混合的研究,以對PBL 中如團體互動等每一環節或元素有更精細地分析,以及如何促成成功解題在社會、文化或科技改變等不同面向有更豐富的理解,同時,也可探究PBL 實務成果如何回饋至特定學科領域,深化學生理論的學習。


Based on the content analysis method, the present study aimed at investigating the research trends and gap of problem-based learning (PBL) in both Primary and Secondary Education. Fifteen samples from double-trial journals were chosen. Two major categories constructed were teaching impact and process. The sub-categories included teachers/students’ role in PBL, and dominant patterns, etc. The major findings included: (1) some researchers may have misunderstanding about the nature of PBL and thereby may over-simplify or even misuse the instructional design of PBL; (2) Most studies chosen lacked thick descriptions about the complexity of the dynamic process of PBL and were short of solid causal evidence about the impact of PBL group interaction on students’ learning. Suggestions for future directions were provided in the following: (1) given the deficiency in the PBL literature or theories, future studies can take delicate teaching process into consideration; (2) More mixed research designs focusing on the dynamic teaching-learning process can be applied in the future in examining the different aspects of PBL group interaction with regard to social, cultural and technological changes so that it could help enhance our understanding. In addition, it was suggested that in order to enhance students’ learning, future studies should also explore how PBL could provide feedback concerning subject matters in K-12.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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