


Exploratory and Responses to the Churn Rate Problems of the Graduates from the Seniors-Related Departments in Long-Term Care Workplaces: The Workplace Spirituality Viewpoint




林佳靜(Chia-Ching Lin)


長期照顧 ; 工作負荷 ; 職場靈性 ; long-term care ; workload ; workplace spirituality




20卷2期(2017 / 04 / 01)


59 - 83






The churn rate for the graduates from the seniors-related departments in colleges has been high. From the application of workplace spirituality viewpoint, this study attempts to explore the association variables for this solving the churn rate, and replaces manifest variables with friendly ones, to analyze the mediator variables and mediation effect that have impacts on those who continue to do long-term care. The purposes of this study include: (1) analyzing the employees’ workload who newly graduated from the seniors-related departments, and the relevance of manifest variables of workplace spirituality and the retention rate; (2) analyzing the mediation effect in manifest variables of workplace spirituality of graduates from the seniors-related departments; (3) proposing a possible solution in response to the churn rate of graduates from these newly graduates. The results found that one mediation effect among all was the workplace support. When the new graduates were prone to resign after suffering a heavy workload and problems, they would still stay if any in-time support and understanding from their colleagues or supervisors granted onto them.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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