


Competence-Based Curriculum and Teaching in Physical Education: Evidence-Based Practical Consideration




陳昭宇(Chao-Yu Chen)


個人與社會責任模式 ; 素養導向的課程 ; 問題解決 ; 理解式球類教學法 ; 運動教育模式 ; teaching personal and social responsibility model ; competence-based curriculum ; problem-solving ; teaching games for understand ; sport education model




21卷2期(2018 / 04 / 01)


111 - 140






Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan has been responding to globalization and the educational trend promoted by major developed countries. This paper reviewed many literature based on the DeSeCo project by OECD to identify several key competencies required to be integrated into each learning area or subject matter in the 12-year national foundation education in Taiwan, upon the competencies expected to provide each student with survival skills of knowledge, abilities, attitude to meet complex demands and challenges in the future. Hence, document analysis was adopted in this study to the related literatures. Results found include that the core competences not only implied the subject knowledge and mode1, but also the general theory of knowledge and mode2, which involved underlying characteristics of problem solving and complex contexts. Moreover, competence-based physical curriculum and teaching could be applied into several physical education curriculum and teaching with evidence-based practice to integrate academic subject competence and general competence, so as to help students become a high-quality global citizen and to construct a well-functioning society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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