


The Case-Study Teaching Method to Student Learning Effectiveness Analysis Research




萬同軒(Tung-Hsuan Wan);駱俊賢(Chun-Hsien Lo);謝宜芳(Yi-Fang Hsieh);鄭如婷(Ju-Ting Cheng)


個案式教學法 ; 準實驗設計法 ; 學習成效 ; 學習滿意度 ; case-study teaching method ; quasi-experiment design ; learning effectiveness ; learning satisfaction




25卷2期(2022 / 04 / 01)


187 - 213






This research adopts a quasi-experimental design to explore the effectiveness of the case-study teaching method targeted at a university's on-the-job master's degree program students. The experiment involved students from two classes taking the same course in a university taught by the case-study method and lecture teaching method, respectively. The difference in learning satisfaction and effectiveness between the students exposed to the two different methods was examined. In addition, to explore the effect of different professional backgrounds on learning, another group of on-the-job graduate students from a second university was taught by the same case-study teaching method. The research results confirm that the case-study teaching method's learning satisfaction and learning effectiveness are higher than that of the lecture teaching method. The results also show that the more diverse the professional background, the more positive the learning effect. The findings of this study are expected to offer insight into the analysis of the effectiveness of functions of behavior in practice, which may strengthen the application support of the case-study teaching method in business management education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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