


Exploring the Relationship between Goal Interdependence and Elaborated Mutual Helping Behavior within Cooperative Small Groups




黃永和(Yung-Ho Huang)


合作學習 ; 協助 ; 求助 ; 精緻互助行為 ; 目標互賴 ; cooperative learning ; help-giving ; help-seeking ; elaborated mutual-helping ; goal interdependence




26卷3期(2023 / 07 / 01)


91 - 124






This study aimed to investigate the predictive power of the relationship between goal interdependence and elaborated mutual helping behavior within cooperative small groups in a math course. The study subjects were 832 sixth-grade students with experiences in math cooperative learning, and were administered the Mutual Helping Behaviors Questionnaire and Goal Interdependence Relationship Scale. The results of latent variable regression analysis showed that: (1) positive and negative goal interdependence had a positive predictive value for help-giving behavior of high-level elaboration, while no goal interdependence had a negative predictive value; (2) positive and negative goal interdependence had a positive predictive value for help-seeking behavior of high-level elaboration, while no goal interdependence had a negative predictive value; (3) Positive goal interdependence was significantly higher than negative goal interdependence, and both were positively correlated, and can positively predict mutual helping behavior, indicating that there is competition in a cooperative relationship among peers in the group. The study suggests that: (1) cooperative relationships can promote mutual help among peers, and competitive relationships can add motivation for mutual help; (2) the elaborated help -seeking behavior pathway model, which has more explanatory power, is worthy of further investigation in future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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